COVID-19 pandemic has become the deadliest global health crisis and the greatest challenge the world has faced since World War 2. As of February 2021, over 2.5 million COVID-19 related deaths were recorded.
The degree of uncertainty individuals and organisations face in this crisis has made significant changes to the way people and corporations behave, operate or make decisions. Needless to say, digitising of documents has been accelerated by COVID-19 pandemic. Digital collaboration also requires digital documents and electronic access to data, through secure cloud storage. It is therefore increasingly vital for everyone to have a secure platform to store records of their valuable assets and important documents for their next of kin, business partners or deputy to have access to in case of untimely death or illness.
Are you prepared for the unexpected? Will your loved ones be able to locate your documents and assets if they suddenly lose you? With its smart features, vaultbox offers smart solution for you, your family and your business.
Appointing deputies on vaultbox

Appointing deputies are optional. But if you lose your password or access to your vaultbox, you need to have appointed deputies to reset your password or recover access to your vaultbox.
You can choose to appoint your own family members, friends or specialist advisors to act as your deputies. Alternatively, you can choose to appoint one of our professional services partners to act as your professional deputy.
Selecting Watiga Trust as your professional deputy
Watiga Trust is a licensed trust company in Singapore, it provides private and professional deputy services to you as an optional extra service in your vaultbox subscription. Watiga Trust is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and is a member of the Singapore Trustees Association and the Singapore Institute of Banking and Finance. Watiga Trust will safekeep the recovery key and they can recover access to your vaultbox for you or legal representative after you pass on.
Selecting other professional deputy
vaultbox also has other professional deputy partners besides Watiga Trust. There are two ways of selecting other professional deputies. First, you may be invited directly (via email) by a professional deputy. You can then register for an account with vaultbox using the invitation link in the email and the particular professional deputy name will appear instead of Watiga Trust. Second, if you already have an account with vaultbox, you will need to input the professional deputy referral code in the space provided and the respective professional deputy name will appear for selection.
When you choose a professional deputy, in the next step, you will be required to provide your personal details, upload scanned copy of your personal identification card or passport as well as scanned copy of your proof of address. These information are necessary for the professional deputy to verify your identification. We encourage you to be in contact with your selected professional deputy to ensure smooth onboarding process.
Appoint somebody else to be your deputy
Other than professional deputy, you can choose to appoint your own family members, friends or specialist advisors to act as your deputies. All you need is their email addresses. Please note that a minimum of 2 deputies are required to unlock the vaultbox should you choose this option instead of appointing a professional deputy. Your selected deputies may click in the link to find out more on how to sign up as deputy - Signing up as a deputy
What is vaultbox?
Having a safe and easily accessible platform for all your important information has never been more important and vaultbox can solve some of your issues, if not all!
vaultbox provides a digital solution for financial and legacy planning. We strive to help you manage and protect everything that matters in one place. vaultbox also ensures that your data is secure and private, so private that even we do not have access to the data you have stored on your vaultbox. However, if you want, you can choose your family members, friends or appoint selected professional deputies to have access to your vaultbox account.
Try vaultbox now for free with a 30-day trial.